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 In MAGIC & WIZARDS, some monsters require you to fulfill unique qualifications 
 in order to be Summoned to your side of the field. These conditions sometimes
 span several cards and aren't always obvious, so we've set up a page listing 
 several Special Summoned Monsters and their Summoning specifications as a 
 handy reference for all curious Duelists.

Monster Type Attribute ATK DEF Special Ability Notes
Magnetic Magnet Warrior Valkyrion Warrior Earth 3500 3850 Automatically Summons itself when a player has "Magnet Warrior Alpha", "Magnet Warrior Beta", and "Magnet Warrior Gamma" on their side of the field. (Layer all three "Magnet Warrior" monsters over each other to represent this monster.) Counts as 3 monsters for the purpose of Sacrifice Summons.
Dark Necrofear Undead Dark 2200 2800 Cannot be Normal Summoned, Sacrifice Summoned, or Special Summoned from your hand in any way other than by the following method. Must be Special Summoned by removing 3 Undead-type monsters you control from your side of the field. When this monster is destroyed as a result of battle: on each of your opponent's turns, select a monster your opponent controls. If that monster attacks, its attack is negated, your opponet loses Life Points equal to half its ATK value, and you gain Life Points in that exact amount. If this card leaves the Graveyard, or you have no viable target to select, this ability ends.
Holy Beast Serket Beast Earth 2500 2000 If you control "Royal Family Temple", "Serket's Seal", and "Holy Cup of Sealed Souls": you can Summon this monster to your side of the field. If any of the previously-mentioned cards are negated or destroyed, this monster is destroyed. Whenever this monster destroys another monster in battle, it gains ATK points equal to half of the destroyed monster's ATK value. You must represent this monster with a token while it exists on your side of the field.
XY-Dragon Cannon Machine Light 2200 2400 Automatically Summons itself when a player has "X-Head Cannon" and "Y-Dragon Head" on their side of the field. (Lay 1 of the cards over the other to represent this monster.) Can be used as a component to Special Summon "XYZ-Dragon Cannon" when "Z-Metal Caterpillar Track" is also on the same side of the field. Counts as 2 monsters for the purpose of Sacrifice Summons.
XYZ-Dragon Cannon Machine Light 2800 2600 Automatically Summons itself when a player has "X-Head Cannon", "Y-Dragon Head", and "Z-Metal Caterpillar Track" on their side of the field. Alternatively, "XY Dragon Cannon" and "Z-Metal Caterpillar Track" can automatically combine to form this monster as well. (Layer all relevant cards over each other to represent this monster.) Counts as 3 monsters for the purpose of Sacrifice Summons.
